
Conductive Systems

BÜFA experts with Conductive Masterbatch

The BÜFA®-Conductive Line is Breaking into new Industries

Conductive Systems

The conductive systems from BÜFA Composite Systems address a range of challenges commonly faced by a wide variety of industries. BÜFA®-Conductive Line products offer completely new possibilities for applications requiring low electrical resistance. The safety of people and technology is paramount in all conductive applications. Objects, equipment and liquids must not be dangerously charged in areas where there is a risk of explosion. In explosive areas, only conductive and antistatic objects and equipment may be used.



BÜFA Composites - Conductive Systems

BÜFA Composites Conductive 

Conductive surface with the help of mould tooling resins
Conductive systems

Conductive mould-making systems
BÜFA®-Conductive Tooling System

The innovative BÜFA®-Conductive Tooling System includes coordinated individual components, a range of BÜFA®-Conductive Tooling Gelcoats, a BÜFA® First-Layer Resin and a BÜFA® Mould Tooling Resin.
At the core of the mould-making system is an electrically conductive gelcoat that minimises dust build-up, drastically reduces demoulding difficulties and also protects people and materials from electric shocks. Additional benefits include more attractive, high-gloss surfaces with less rippling, less effort required for cleaning, faster cycle times, less scrap, longer tool service life and new options for mould production.
The advantages at a glance:

  • Safety in explosion protection areas
  • Eliminates dust attraction and improves the quality of demoulded parts
  • Easier demoulding with less effort
  • Faster cycle times


BÜFA Composites - Conductive Systems

BÜFA Composites - Tooling Systems





Conductive flooring applications of BÜFA®-Conductive Masterbatch
Conductive systems

Conductive flooring applications
BÜFA®-Conductive Masterbatch

BÜFA®-Conductive Masterbatches can be used to produce conductive floor coverings for areas under heavy load.  Industrial floor coatings that have particularly high safety requirements must have a conductive covering to prevent electrostatic discharges. This is because it is important to avoid electrostatic charges wherever explosive substances are stored or electronic components are produced.
The fine distribution of nanoscale active ingredients in the primer and topcoat provides constant, uniform conductivity values. Working properties are retained to provide process reliability! The low concentration of functional additives also makes a wide range of colours possible.
The advantages at a glance

  • Wide range of colours
  • Very good flow properties
  • Process reliability: reproducible conductivity values and flow properties within narrow tolerances
Conductive applications in tank construction with BÜFA®-Conductive Resin and Topcoat Formulations
Conductive systems

Conductive applications in tank construction
BÜFA®-Conductive Resin and Topcoat Formulations

BÜFA®-Conductive Resin & Topcoat Formulations offer reliable conductive properties for manufacturing fibre-reinforced composites for explosion protection of tanks and pipes.

GRP materials are often exposed to high continuous loads, especially in tank construction. Water, acids, alkaline solutions and direct contact with oxidising and diffusible media place extremely high demands on the material being used. Furthermore, antistatic materials that prevent sparking caused by electrostatic charging are often required for safe applications in tank and pipe construction. These materials are intended to prevent ignition hazards caused by electrostatic charges. We offer tailor-made conductive product solutions that do not compromise on ease of processing.
The advantages at a glance:

  • Maximum fibre content
  • Maximum process reliability
  • Contamination-free
Example of conductive SMC components of BÜFA®-Conductive Masterbatch in a server room
Conductive systems

Conductive SMC components
BÜFA®-Conductive Masterbatch

BÜFA®-Conductive Masterbatches can be used to create conductive SMC formulations that are economical, reliable and tailored to processing requirements.
SMC (Sheet Moulding Compound) components are manufactured from prepregs using the impact extrusion process. SMC is an intermediate material that contains reinforcing fibres, fillers and pigments dispersed in the resin. SMCs can be pressed into shape within a short time period of about 2 to 5 minutes.
BÜFA has the expertise and offers tailor-made products for additional conductive properties in SMC material.
The advantages at a glance:

  • Wide range of colours
  • High filling levels possible
  • Weatherproof
Powder-coating of a GRP component with BÜFA®-Conductive Gelcoats
Conductive systems

Electrostatic powder coating
BÜFA®-Conductive Gelcoats

BÜFA®-Conductive Gelcoats allow GRP components to be powder coated. The powder coating and subsequent burning-in process creates new coating options for various applications.

Powder coating refers to a coating process where an electrically conductive material is coated with a powder. With electrostatic powder coating, the first step is the creation of an electrically charged powder cloud. The charged powder particles coat the tool surface, adhering electrostatically to form the powder coat layer. Powder coatings can be used for both small and large series by contract manufacturers. Powder coated surfaces come in standard colours and can also be used for special finishes: matt yet smooth surfaces, metallic and chrome finishes, textured surfaces. New design freedom!
The advantages at a glance:

  • Emission-free
  • Can be used in lightweight engineering
  • Effect finishes, textured surfaces
Large tanks and systems for the manufacture of: BÜFA®-Conductive Gelcoats
Conductive systems

Safety, fire and explosion protection
BÜFA®-Conductive Gelcoats

BÜFA®-Conductive Gelcoats are used for applications where the safety of people and technology is key: switch cabinets, fans, vacuum cleaners, sewage treatment plant covers. The nano-based product technology combines essential product features with conductivity. Conductive, without compromising on gloss, colour, UV protection, media resistance.
BÜFA®-Firestop makes GRP composite material flame-retardant. We also offer some of our fire safety products with conductive properties. In explosive areas, only conductive and antistatic objects and equipment may be used.
The advantages at a glance:

  • Wide range of colours
  • Fire protection and conductivity in one product
  • Optimum working properties
Illustration of SWCNT technology - Conductive products from BÜFA
Conductive systems

SWCNT technology
Conductive products from BÜFA

SWCNTs (single walled carbon nanotubes) act like sub-microscopically fine wires in the reactive resin matrix. From a specific (low) concentration, they form a network of fine molecular “wires” that run through the material. This is how gelcoats enhanced with SWCNTs get their excellent electrical conductivity. The surface resistances of the new BÜFA products are set to a constant value <109Ω. Some gelcoats in the Conductive series are optimised for a surface resistance <106Ω. The requirements and testing methods for demonstrating the resistance can vary considerably. Make the most of our technical advice.
Unsaturated reactive resins are still the material of choice when it comes to the manufacture of premium and aesthetically pleasing GRP components – for example those used in making cars, boats, rail and commercial vehicles, tanks, pipes, swimming pools and sanitary facilities. Do you have ideas for additional applications? Consult our expert, Jens Wolters.

Eikboom GmbH case study
Intertec case study

Can’t find what you are looking for?

Or do you have any other special applications or requirements?

Then please contact our composites experts.
We will be happy to advise you and are at your disposal to share our detailed knowledge.
