
Price Adjustment for deliveries as of April 1st, 2024

Dear Customer,

In view of the sharp rise in prices for styrene-containing products on the raw materials market and the resulting significant price increases by our suppliers, which are influenced by global supply network disruptions both in Europe and for imports to Europe, it is necessary to adjust our prices. This measure is necessary to compensate for some of the additional costs incurred.

Against this background and in view of the significant cost increases communicated to us by our suppliers, we are forced to implement a price adjustment of +0.25 EUR/kg on all BÜFA® specialities as of 1 April 2024. This adjustment will also affect all open orders for deliveries after this date.

We appreciate your understanding and continued support during these challenging times. Please be assured that this adjustment is necessary to maintain the high quality and availability of products you have come to expect from us.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact our sales team.

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